2022-05-07 ₿ how to keep up with crypto currency?
sumber : f01lowthedamntraincj @ reddit
never fomo. kalo udh naik tajem berarti you have missed the train. more likely you are going to buy high and sell low. buy when its low or in a dip.
there will always be new opportunities in the crypto space. cuman harus hati2 pilih proyek, siapa tau nanti kena rug pull kaya squid token.
how to identify a good project:
the product is original dan bukan rip off dari product yg udh ada di pasar (cth: right now the nft gaming scene banyak banget game yg rip off dari axie or the never ending dog based meme coins)
ada whitepaper yg jelasin project dan timeline nya. its usually more than 20 pages.
website nya original ga? bukan cuman website yg copas foto2 di google. also check the grammar as well biasanya yg scam banyak grammatical errors.
developer nya ada di website and you can find their social media. a big plus is they have a legitimate linkedin account.
the project has been audited by a third-party auditor like certik.
check out their social media, apakah mods and devs nya aktif sama community nya? do they listen and resolve complaints from the community?
avoid tokens yg gabisa sell. this is what happened to squid token.
liquidity pool di lock. (ini harus kalo ga di lock, dev nya bisa kabur sama uang mu kapan pun).
it’s not advertised yet by mainstream media/trending in twitter/ig. kalo udh biasanya orang2 pada fomo and its a sign for early investors to sell.
avoid meme coins. this is gambling imo.
do not see crypto as a get rich quick scheme. pasti ada hari yg loss nya gede banget dimana orang2 pada panic selling . time in the market is better than timing the market.
always stick to your investment plan. don’t panic when things go wrong or people start to panic sell (it’s normal to get a 50%-75% loss in a day in crypto). kalo proyek nya punya fundamental bagus, biasanya cenderung naik nilai nya in the long term. remember to take profit and determine when to exit the project. if you can’t take a 50%/75% loss, then you don’t deserve 100%/200% gain.
if you can’t take the loss, put a stop-loss.
dyor. jangan percaya sama orang yg ngejamin bakal roi dalam beberapa hari/bulan. you have to do the math and due diligence yourself. rule of thumb is: if it’s too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.
never invest with money you can’t lose. this is high risk, high reward territory. always have a backup plan. even with the best fundamentals, there is always a chance that the project might flop. this is crypto in the end and anything can happen.
hati2 join grup besar crypto di discord atau telegram. suka di dm sama orang2 yg ngaku mod nya dan ngirimin link. ini scam dan link nya phising bwt nguras wallet mu. always put your discord/telegram in private.
be patient with your investment. even rome was not built in a day.