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2025-02-01 Backup/Nuke Plan if SHTF? (Wallet/Phone Stolen/Lost with some/all of your financial information)

Backup/Nuke Plan if SHTF? (Wallet/Phone Stolen/Lost with some/all of your financial information)

saw this post on the personal finance subreddit and wanted to ask if any of you have any backup plan/nuke options if the same scenario happens here.

i use jago as my main bank account [sue me, they've been more convenient than jenius and bca] and i've not really considered what would happen if my phone got stolen. my cards don't carry much money so i don't think they can do too much damage there. i have some cash savings but that's never gone out of my house.

it might be good to think about security measures once in a while. (AsteriskAnonymous)

kalo kasus gw kemarin hp ilang yg gw lakuin :

  • jgn habisin waktu buat nyari hp.
  • password dan akun dll gw udh simpen semua di akun password manager bitwarden, jd gw force logout semua akun gmail, whatsapp, dll yg nempel di hp. br reset factory (kalo emang pencurinya sempet hidupin hp dan konek ke internet, but this is not in my case.)
  • buruan ke gerai, buat pindahin nomor lama ke sim baru. siapim aja fotocopy ktp dan kk, just usual. ini biar ngehindarin si pencuri bisa masuk via otp
  • kalo ada hp backup, lgsg aja pasang sim buat pindahin semua akun.

sejauh step2 ini, gw ga kehilangan data atau uang yg ada di hp. yg ribet itu utk email yg gw pasang 2fa, which is suck krn mau gak mau recovery nya pake nomer juga. untungnya akun khusus finansial gak gw pasang. (mr_santana)